FID-based Hydrocarbon Analyzers
Environmental Instrumentation Manufacture, Sales, Service & Rent
We have a wide range of environmental emissions monitoring equipment
We provide various products and services to meet your needs
Complete monitoring systems custom-built to your specifications
Integration services for CEMS
Rental of hydrocarbon analyzers
Trade-in of your old hydrocarbon analyzer toward the purchase of new equipment
Peripheral devices such as chart recorders / data loggers and other precision high-quality components
Maintenance and repair (scheduled or on-demand)
Contact Us
VIG Industries, Inc. is located at the corner of E. La Palma Ave. and Van Buren St. in Anaheim, CA 92807
Toll Free in USA: (800) 862 – 7844
Main Telephone: (714) 632 – 8200
Fax: (714) 632 – 8201
Email: service@vigindustries.com
Mailing Address
VIG Industries, Inc.
4051 E. La Palma, Suite C
Anaheim, California 92807-1751